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Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:00 am (UK Time)

Business School

Maada Sama Foray ,

Sierra Leone

Maada began his finance career in Gambia where he initiated his ACCA qualification and found his first job at PKF. He obtained his ACCA qualification in 2009 and is also a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments. He came to the UK in 2011 and enrolled for LSBF’s MBA programme. “The MBA developed my research abilities. Unlike the professional courses where we were asked to develop reports following specific guidelines, the MBA taught me how to introduce my own views and opinions in order to develop stronger reports. At LSBF I’ve been exposed to good lectures given by tutors with a strong experienced background with the necessary qualifications. These tutors not only knew the material well but also delivered the information in a way that all students would understand. I believe I came out of this MBA being a better professional with more confidence. Studying the MBA at LSBF taught me how to defend myself when presenting my work. The core modules taught me about Operations Management and Organisational Behaviour amongst other things, which gave me the necessary skills to take on a more senior role in a company. Studying at LSBF in London will open up lots of job opportunities when I go back to my country. There are many offers for people who have obtained a degree in the UK. After my MBA I would like to keep developing my career back in Sierra Leone working in Direct Finance, Accounting or Operations.”

More student testimonials

Constanza Gabriela Pena Ugarte

Constanza Gabriela Pena Ugarte,

She shares her love for studying and the proudness she feels after completing another MBA!

Simon Peter Tellenbach

Simon Peter Tellenbach,

He explains how he enjoyed studying online in the evenings and weekends and felt supported by the LSBF faculty throughout the programme.

Youssef El Shaikh

Youssef El Shaikh, Egypt

Although Youssef is only expected to graduate in 2014, he’s already a great example of a successful and hardworking student. Alongside his undergraduate course, he’s also one of the vice-presidents at the LSBF Student Association, where he leads several projects, events and campaigns.

Iñigo Martinez Gil

Iñigo Martinez Gil, Mexico

Iñigo completed for the four month Postgraduate Certificate in Finance and Management and secured an internship at global private equity firm. As soon as he returned to Mexico, he was offered a permanent position at the firm as an analyst, proving the course’s value.

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