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Join our webinar with Dr Eleni Lamprou, Programme Leader at LSBF.

Topic: The Core Principles of Responsible Management: A Practical Guide

Date: 27 February 2025 Time: 12:00 PM (GMT)

Careers Training and Development

We developed a specific careers training and development programmes for our higher education students. Career services are available to students on 'teach-out', as well as those studying LSBF's Executive Education programmes. At the moment, career support is not being offered to new students. For further information, please email careers@lsbf.org.uk or call +44 (0)203 005 6167.

This workshop introduces you to the different options available to you within the field of consulting.

What will I learn?

At a time when recruitment by management consultancies is recovering after the global economic slowdown, we will be discussing:

  • How, where and when to look for consultancy careers
  • Why strategy consulting isn't the only game in town
  • What life as a consultant is really like

This workshop introduces you to the different options available to you within the field of marketing.

What will I learn?

We examine the differences between strategic marketing, marketing communications and marketing operations and look at ways in which students can enter different industries. We focus on key resources and how you differentiate with prospective marketing employers.

In this workshop, you will understand the different career paths in the Financial Services for postgraduate students. Graduates are often surprised by how many different career paths there are within financial services.

What will I learn?

Although people can join at various levels and the size of many companies and banks in the industry also opens up opportunities in areas such as IT, human resources and training, marketing, project management and product development – we will explain the main areas of work and then delve deeper into key roles in the investment banking sector. You will touch upon typical tasks and job responsibilities under each role and also be provided with a list of investment banks.

In this workshop, we will touch upon the purpose of the interview, preparation for the interview, types of interviews as well as how to handle and answer questions in the widely accepted and result oriented STAR format.

What will I learn?

We will also discuss etiquettes, competency-based interviews and the questions you can ask back which put you in a better light.

Invaluable tips on how to look for a job, techniques you can use to your advantage.

What will I learn?

We will cover networking and referral, reference book lists and other resources including: recommended job sites, niche career websites (on energy, FMCG, finance, consulting, media, healthcare, technology, etc.) as well as recommended recruiter/executive search firm lists for graduate or more experienced candidates.

The first stage in a career journey begins with self-assessment (evaluating your skills, needs and career values) and researching the sector and companies you want to work with.

What will I learn?

It involves introspection – what are your key skills, research about the field you are interested in getting into, if the career and pay prospects are in line with what you expect – doing a reality check if you have the aptitude for the role and if your personal values are in line with the prospective company objectives.

An informational interview involves talking with people who are currently working in your field of interest to gain a better understanding of the occupation or industry and more importantly to build a network of contacts in that field over a period of time (usually a year). This can also be used to gain valuable information for your dissertation.

What will I learn?

Although the purpose is not to ask for a job, if you impress the interviewer, he/she may remember you when a vacancy does come up. The workshop will touch upon how to prepare, how and where to target relevant interviewee's, the type of questions you should ask (samples of informational interview letters and emails and how to structure the call if done via phone) and the etiquettes.

In this day and age, we witness the increased use of social media - not only in our personal but professional lives.

What will I learn?

This workshop is meant to be interactive. We will touch upon the various social media or professional and networking sites available, the purpose of each, the kind of subscribers, followers and trends. Most importantly, you will learn how you can use them to your best advantage.

In this workshop, you will understand the concepts of creating your 'personal brand' and understand how to create networks for career success.

What will I learn?

We will touch upon the 'video resume', the 7 steps to successful networking, how to use blogs business cards personal websites and webpages networking sites to the best advantage, the importance of creating an achievement's database, the '30 second elevator pitch'.

In the UK, each job application should always have an accompanying cover letter which is customised for that job.

What will I learn?

The cover letter starts with a brief profile and allows you to sell the unique skills that make you most suited to the role (to match what is asked for in the job description, with examples). Skills could either be gained academically or through your prior experiences and your letter should highlight your motivation to join this particular company, explain any gaps in your CV and express your availability to interview, etc.

The UK standard CV summarises your academic, professional and personal contact details and any affiliations or interests.

What will I learn?

The structure, format, language, voice and even the look of a UK CV is different to the CV used in Europe, Africa, Asia, in the Pacific and the Middle East etc. (that is, the Do's and Don'ts vary). Chances of finding a job diminish with a poor CV and there exists a very real risk of getting screened out on the first stage of a job application process.

Transferable skills are the skills you acquire during any activity in your life, that can be applied at a later stage in new situations i.e. they can be transferred.

What will I learn?

During the workshop, students will explore the following areas:

  • Examples of Transferable Skills
  • Why do employers look for them?
  • Transferable Skill Cycle
  • Highlighting your transferable skills
  • Importance of analysing your Skills

As a general rule, effective communication can help to build a good working relationship between you and other people, both within your personal and professional environments.

What will I learn?

This workshop will help students to:

  • Explore and understand the impact of verbal and non-verbal communication in relation to passive, aggressive and assertive person to person interactions.
  • Explore and understand effective communication styles and approaches with different individuals.

Begin to understand the impact between effective communication and greater life opportunities. 

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you. People with a high levels of emotional intelligence understand their own feelings, know what their emotions mean, and how their emotions can affect other people. For leaders, having emotional intelligence is the essential ingredient for professional success. 

What will I learn?

The workshop will help students to:

  • Understand and recognise the impact of the leader’s overall mood and behaviour on professional relationships within the work environment
  • Understand the powerful effects of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Recognise the benefits of applying EI and Growth Mind-set throughout their personal and professional life

The relationship between decision-making and problem solving is complex. The major difference is that, problem solving is a method, whereas decision-making is a process. Problem solving is more an analytical aspect of thinking; a fraction of the overall issue being dealt with.

What will I learn?

This workshop will help students to:

  • Understand how your mind works in processing decisions
  • Recognise the impact of positive and negative influences of decision-making.
  • Understand how your decisions shape you belief systems and overall personality
  • Confidently share ideas and solutions with others

Understand creative problem solving techniques

This workshop will share approaches to help set you on your path to personal and professional success, through opening new ways of thinking and behaving.   

What will I learn?

This workshop will help students to:

  • Recognise, understand the impact of mental/emotional blocks creating limitations
  • Understand the detriment of fostering a negative mind-set
  • Understand their own personal power and live changing benefits of adopting a successful mind-set       

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter not harder, so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.

What will I learn?

This workshop will help students to:

  • Explore and define the management of self and time
  • Highlight the negative effects of poor time management towards themselves and others
  • Define the relationship between low self-esteem and motivation
  • Explore and recognise the benefits of goal setting and motivation

Without necessary support systems or understanding, stress can be detrimental to physical and emotional wellbeing. Continued stress and strain on the human body, can contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as mental disorders like depression or anxiety.

What will I learn?

This workshop will help students to:

  • Recognise the causes and impact of stress both mentally, emotionally and physically
  • Understand the impact of stress on your education and employment
  • Understand the high importance of mental well-being
  • Begin developing coping strategies that promote resilience

Rooted in fear-filled thoughts and feelings, the individual begins to imagine the need for flawless results whether in education, work or their personal lifestyle, which can lead to high level stress and depression that influences the way they evaluate themselves and their wider environment. Potentially triggering self-sabotaging of goals and ambitions. 

What will I learn?

This workshop will help participants to:

  • Recognise causes and effects 
  • Understand common myths and negative thinking patterns
  • Recognise and understand the impact on own personal and professional development
  • Begin to develop coping strategies
  • Explore sources of support
LSBF Training and Development Programmes

Any questions?

If you have any questions on these services, please contact us for personal assistance.

Careers Advisory:
George Brown
Tel. +44 (0)203 005 6167
Email: careers@lsbf.org.uk

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Based on 373 reviews
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