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Join our webinar with Dr Eleni Lamprou, Programme Leader at LSBF.

Topic: The Core Principles of Responsible Management: A Practical Guide

Date: 27 February 2025 Time: 12:00 PM (GMT)

Business School

Petar Dyankov

Petar Dyankov,


During his studies, Petar started working as a Financial Analyst at Coca Cola European Partners, where he found he could apply his studies directly to his role. “Having the Master in Finance and Investments degree is really beneficial for my current job, and for my career prospects in the future. It really fits my role at the moment.” Though the online learning experience is independent and requires a lot of self-discipline, Petar says the guidance he received during his studies was always encouraging and helpful. “There is a lot of support from tutors, from the online lecturers, and from the student support team, so there really are a lot of people helping you through the programme.” For those thinking of starting an online programme with London School of Business and Finance, Petar offers this advice: “Create a habit of learning, and create a habit of resting as well,” Petar says. “Enjoy the process, enjoy the journey, and keep moving forward every day.”

More student testimonials

Petar Dyankov

Petar Dyankov, Bulgaria

Having gained his undergraduate degree through traditional campus-based study, Petar decided to earn his Master in Finance and Investments degree fully online with London School of Business and Finance.

Kunhipurayil Ratnakumar Mattankot

Kunhipurayil Ratnakumar Mattankot, India

"I found this course very useful for my career. When I did this MBA it really helped me to make certain management decisions."

Nabila Rafique

Nabila Rafique, Bangladesh

Nabila came to LSBF to study the LLM in International Business Law in 2011. She was attracted by the opportunity to study in London and course modules related to her career plans.

Carolina Duran Silva

Carolina Duran Silva, Mexico

Carolina Duran Silva is studying full-time for an MBA. She is still working on her dissertation, but has already started work as Finance Controller for Nestle's Nespresso brand in Mexico. She credits her LSBF experience with helping her develop the negotiation skills she uses daily in a global company.

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