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From Vision To Execution Implementing a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy

Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:00 am (UK Time)

Business School

Ali Alriyahi

Ali Alriyahi,


Ambitions to expand his personal business motivated Ali Alriyahi to study LSBF’s online Global MBA. The business owner, who earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, gained skills in leadership and project management which he could apply directly to his career as an entrepreneur: “If you’re a business owner and you want to go into business, you should go through the business from A to Z. So, that’s basically what I did, and that’s what the programme gave me.” Ali enjoyed the flexibility that online study allows, which makes it possible for students to earn their degree while keeping their job and maintaining their personal lives: “A lot of people wish that they had a master’s degree, but they don’t because they have jobs and they have responsibilities that they need to fulfil. If you have a mix of both, you can work and study at the same time. That’s the key.” For students just starting their online course, Ali suggests staying open and communicating with peers and tutors to stay motivated: “I know at the beginning it’s a bit scary studying on a platform – you don’t see anyone, so you are uncertain. Just follow your gut and just do it. Stay connected and network, network, network, because networking is the key.”

More student testimonials

Dan Hadley

Dan Hadley, Australia

Dan chose to study his MBA online with London School of Business, opting for the specialisation in management consulting. As a professional management consultant and economist, the flexibility of online study allowed Dan to work around his clients’ needs and other commitments.

Robertus Dorpmans

Robertus Dorpmans, Netherlands

“The modules were really interesting and very applicable to my work. I like the fact it was taught by professors who came from a business environment."

Aung Soe

Aung Soe, United Kingdom

“The best thing about the course was that it gave me easy access to study materials, which I could go through when it was convenient for me."

Sumit Ahuja

Sumit Ahuja, India

Sumit Ahuja graduated in 2010 with a Masters in Finance (Investment and Securities). He has used the truly international nature of LSBF to get ahead in the world of international finance, as an Equity Derivatives Analyst for Citi Group.

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