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From Vision To Execution Implementing a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy

Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:00 am (UK Time)

Business School

Maria Boukouraki,


Maria Boukouraki is a Greek-American student who graduated from LSBF in 2010 with a Masters in Business (MIB). Studying at LSBF gave her the flexibility to gain a degree through GGSB without having to leave her job in London. Maria graduated from LSBF and is now working as a part-time Real Estate Consultant in Virginia. She is enjoying the flexibility of her new role and is using her experience of working in such a multicultural environment as LSBF to take the initiative and use the numerous contacts that she made around the world during her studies. “I chose LSBF because it was the official campus of GGSB in the UK. Since I was working in London I didn’t want to move to France. During my studies, I made friendships and business connections all over the world, from Thailand to Russia, Brazil to Turkey. “The team projects and overall experience of being part of a multicultural atmosphere, has made the transition to the working world - liaising with international people and maintaining contacts around the world – extremely easy.” What's your advice for new students? Apply for jobs before you graduate – be organised and apply as early as possible.

More student testimonials

Simon Peter Tellenbach

Simon Peter Tellenbach,

He explains how he enjoyed studying online in the evenings and weekends and felt supported by the LSBF faculty throughout the programme.

Michael Vos

Michael Vos, Netherlands

I looked up very big schools with a good image and reputation and I found out that the LSBF programme would fit for me. I find the study material to be very professional and new.

Katharina Bojar

Katharina Bojar, Germany

Katharina awaits the results of her dissertation after having achieved a distinction in the taught part of the programme and is currently undertaking an internship in a legal practice Dr. Frühbeck Abogados in Germany. She is aiming for an international legal career.

Alina Novikova

Alina Novikova, Latvia

Alina graduated in 2011. As a result of the skills she acquired while studying at LSBF, she shortly afterwards secured an account manager role for strategic clients in the life sciences division at TransPerfect.

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