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Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:00 am (UK Time)

LSBF Student Interview: David Taylor

LSBF Student Interview: David Taylor

Continuing with our LSBF Alumni series, we spoke with LSBF ACCA Online student David Taylor.

David ,26, lives in Glasgow. After leaving school at the age of 16 he made the decision to go straight into full-time work as an accountant, planning to return to higher education at a later point in his career.

After finding himself with less and less time to spend in the classroom, he looked for study alternatives, discovering the perfect solution in LSBF’s online courses. These programmes, delivered entirely online, offered him the flexibility he needed during a particularly busy time in his life.

Here are some excerpts from our conversation with David…


LSBF Team: How will the ACCA qualification help your career progression?

David Taylor: I work in an accountancy practice and have a portfolio of clients. The skills I’m gaining from the LSBF ACCA are absolutely key for me to be able to give the best service to my clients as possible.


LSBF: What was the biggest benefit you gained from your time at LSBF?

DT: ACCA is a professional qualification, one that I am proud to be working towards. These courses aren’t supposed to be a breeze; their difficulty is part of the reason why ACCA enjoys such a solid reputation. I have already enjoyed success in the first set of exams, and have committed myself to achieving a similar result in December.


LSBF: What’s your advice for new students?

DT: Word hard. Anything worth achieving doesn’t come easy.


David was one of the nominees for the prestigious PQ Awards 2014, in the Distance Learning Student of the Year category. With his positive outlook and impressive professional background, it’s clear to see thatDavid will have an even brighter future.



David’s journey towards a successful career in accountancy began with LSBF’s ACCA Online course. To start your own journey, visit LSBF’s  part-time shop.

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