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Didn’t pass your ACCA exam? Here’s how to succeed next time

Didn’t pass your ACCA exam? Here’s how to succeed next time

ACCA results are now out, but many students may not have achieved the marks they wanted. However, there’s no reason to feel downhearted – there are always re-sits where you can do better and learn from your experience.

Here are our tips on how to turn disappointing news into success the next time round.

Think about what went wrong

Review what you did to prepare before the exam and think about what you might have missed – for example, did you give yourself enough time to study? There is a lot of material to revise for every ACCA paper, so it is easy to underestimate how much time you need.

Another common mistake can be to miss out certain areas of the syllabus: you can be faced with questions on literally everything you’ve covered, no matter how small or detailed, so it is best to prepare as much as possible.

You can also read the examiner’s report to see where the average student went wrong and which questions other people found most difficult. This can help you to avoid similar mistakes in your next try.

Whatever it is, don’t beat yourself up about it – it just means you know what to focus on the second time around.

Think about how you can improve

Once you’ve identified what you could have done differently, develop a strategy to do better next time. This can include practising past exam questions, trying different revision techniques, or just giving yourself more time to prepare.

You could also book on another revision course and contact the tutor beforehand. Then have another go at a few recent past exam questions and ask for feedback about them before the course starts.

Any good accountancy tutor will be able to support you and give you detailed advice on how you can get better marks next time, so make sure you take advantage of their expertise!

Thinking of sitting your ACCA exams in December? Book your tuition, revision or QBD courses with LSBF by 30 October and save up to 15%* on your chosen course. Click here to find out more!

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