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🗓️ Date: 30th July

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What Makes Cyber Security The Responsibility Of Top Management?

What Makes Cyber Security The Responsibility Of Top Management?

Cyber security is not just about developing technical solutions, it involves deciding the type of information that needs protecting by identifying a company’s most vital data structure.

This is the primary reason why the level of awareness about the security of your information systems and networks should be raised, to help all employees gain a broader perspective about the concept of cyber security.

Unfortunately, many organisations struggle to communicate cyber security issues to senior management, as there is a lack of interest to effectively articulate cyber security strategies from the technical personnel.

With the introduction of cyber security courses for managers in UK universities, a greater level of performance reporting and transparency has been integrated within cyber security management across the globe.

So, why should you opt for a cyber security course for leaders and how can it help you understand the art of balancing operational benefit with security?


Three Reasons Why Organisations Need Cyber Security

With the global business forum relying more on advanced technological processes, such as online banking and cloud-based storage for convenience, business organisations are becoming more prone to cyber-attacks and data breaches that can expose millions of private records.

Here’s a list of the top reasons why a cyber security plan should be included within a business continuity strategy.

  1. To protect sensitive information for the clients and internal business associates

Studying the cyber security and risk management programme in London can help you become an expert at protecting the internal information of an organisation and educating all employees about suspicious activities like phishing or password leakage.

  1. Prepare for upcoming cyber attacks

Opting for a cyber security for senior executives course taught in the UK will allow you to learn how to develop an all-encompassing cyber security plan that can prevent potential risks. 

  1. Conduct client audits and compliance investigations

Recovering from a malicious attack can be challenging, but a cyber security management programme in London can teach you how to respond to data breaches and mitigate the risks involved with an attack.


Why Is Cyber Security For Managers Crucial For An Organisation?

Obtaining knowledge related to cyber security and risk management as a manager of a team or organisation is vital to understand the consequences of information being corrupted or lost and the value of strategic ways to handle business data.

For the same reason, we recommend that you enrol in a cyber security management programme to acquire relevant knowledge and skills required to impose solid crisis management on the operating processes and make informed decisions when the network systems come under attack.


Fundamental Cyber Security Questions Managers Should Be Able To Answer

Being part of the management team requires you to be capable of using qualified input values from IT employees and assessing the consequences of a threat in various operating situations.

Our cyber security for business executives programme is tailor-made accordingly to help management teams overcome theft of intellectual property, extortion, industrial espionage and data sabotage by addressing the following key questions about cyber security:

  • Are all business operations complying with relevant regulations and standards?
  • How can cyber security risks affect business strategies and goals?
  • What incidents have occurred to date, their cause and what steps have been taken by the management to prevent them?
  • What are the company’s most important assets and how does its capability match the current threat situation in the operating environment?


What Is A Cyber Security Management Framework?

The cyber security framework typically refers to the list of strategies that organisations rely on to help strengthen their cyber defences.

The aim is to bring together different policies, procedures, departments and data in the same space to obtain a unified defence mechanism for protecting business assets.


Pillars Of The Cyber Security Management Framework

The cyber security framework consists of three key elements that represent a set of objectives and activities needed to be implemented by a business to achieve a comprehensive and holistic cyber security strategy.

Let’s take a look at the three primary pillars of the cyber security management framework:

  1. Executive management pillar - this stage involves the detection of potential threats and predicting user behavioural trends by leveraging specific cyber security tools.
  2. Operations pillar - as soon as the abnormality or threat is detected, it is time to implement a well-curated response strategy to curb the threat activity and safeguard valuable assets.
  3. Tactical pillar - this phase of the cyber security framework involves the recovery of data left from the impact and taking adequate measures to evaluate, evolve and maintain cyber security strategies.


How To Address Cyber Security Challenges

Gaining the right knowledge related to the cyber security management framework by pursuing a cyber security course for managers will teach you how to minimise malicious issues into more manageable chunks.

The cyber security framework is designed towards helping the management of a company overcome challenges within the following areas:

  •       Securing systems, networks and applications
  •       Implementing cyber security intelligence to reach risk management goals
  •       Executing key decisions and accountabilities to drive cyber security operations.


When raising the level of security and improving the cyber security framework isn't enough, it's time for the leaders and managers of the organisation to step up to a good level of security awareness throughout all departments.

If you aspire to become part of the cyber security business continuity programme of your dream organisation, then check out the cyber security for managers and stakeholders course offered by the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) to transform into the pillar that vulnerable organisations are looking for.



What are the benefits of cyber security?

Creating a cyber security landscape for your business can prove to be beneficial in promoting procedural consistency, eradicating any detrimental silos, avoiding liabilities during an attack and preventing the negative fallout of a leak.

How hard is it to study cyber security in 2022?

Cyber security programmes offered at LSBF are curated to help you establish some of the finest recovery policies and develop detection mechanisms for assets, all via a flexible training programme that you can complete over nine weeks of live online classes.

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