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Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:00 am (UK Time)

What role does motivation play in managing an organisation?

What role does motivation play in managing an organisation?

Successful business strategies often start by seeking answers to some basic questions such as what makes a business succeed; what ensures an efficient and productive workforce; how can the work in a company be optimised; or what ensures employees complete their assigned tasks?

These questions can result in fresh perspectives to help an organisation tackle their weaknesses. From internal conflicts and poor sales to low rates of productivity and inadequate customer engagement, there are many forms in which a lack of motivation within an organisation can manifest itself.

Motivation is one of the major factors for driving success. If you want to pursue a corporate career or want to start your own business, read on to learn about the importance of motivation for running a business.

How can you define motivation?

Motivation can be defined as incitement or inducement to fulfil an action. Motivation can drive the employees of an organisation to meet their individual goals as well as the company’s overall goals. The concept can be further classified into three important sub-concepts: motivators, the motive and the actual act of motivation.

A motive initiates an action or certain behaviour for the fulfilment of a specific goal, and this directly corresponds to the desire of an individual. Motivators are the tools used for motivating employees, such as promotions and pay bonuses. The act of motivation is the actual process of completing a task and this usually depends on the motives and motivators.

Why is motivation important within an organisation?

Motivation is imperative for an organisation’s growth. Here are a few benefits of motivation in an organisation:

  • Increases productivity: Motivators like promotions create a drive for employees to work to the best of their capabilities. As such, motivation in an organisation will lead to an increase in the productivity of an employee, who will contribute more compared to a disheartened employee.
  • Ensures organisational efficiency: Motivators can also help in changing the work culture of an organisation. With better rewards to look forward to, employees will be more dedicated to their work and more motivated to reach their targets. This can increase overall work efficiency and the attitude of an entire organisation.
  • Promotes loyalty among the employees: Motivating your employees to do their best and rewarding their hard work can also be beneficial in igniting a sense of loyalty towards the company. A well-motivated workforce is loyal and has higher levels of morale, being more committed to the organisation and its goals. Ensuring your staff are motivated can also reduce employee turnover and therefore the company costs of hiring new people.
  • Facilitates direction: Direction is an important aspect of any business. It involves the creation and implementation of specific plans and strategies, contributing to the organisation’s main goals. A motivated workforce will be enthusiastic about helping to develop and innovate the company. They will also be more likely to suggest strategies or direction that can help the company expand further.
  • Ensures a proactive workforce: For any business to be successful, it requires its employees to adapt to dynamic changes in the work environment. You cannot take a financially prudential decision that could harm employee interests without them being completely committed to the company’s goals and visions. As such, motivation among employees reduces the resistance to difficult organisational decisions.

The role of motivation within a company is often underrated. It is a powerful instrument that not only helps establish a successful career, but also induces positive changes in your personal life.

If you are interested in a managerial career, it is crucial to understand the role of motivation and the importance of motivation in management. The leadership development programme offered by the London School of Business and Finance is the ideal programme to help you explore motivation in detail and develop your individualistic leadership style. Click here to find out more about this CPD-accredited course and begin your journey to a successful management career.


This article is written by Sweha Hazari and edited by Amelia Hayward-Cole.

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