LSBF launches Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Diploma
- 14th October 2011
- News About LSBF

London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) has today announced the launch of the Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Diploma (EED), an pioneer online programme aimed at both students and young professionals interested in learning the skills to help them build their own business links and even to start up their own companies. The programme delivers a unique combination of entrepreneurial insight, business skills and career advice, which will allow students to get their first foot on the career ladder.
Recently LSBF has been working with some of the world's leading entrepreneurs and industry professionals to create programmes that will provide students with the expertise needed for shaping their careers and succeeding in the global marketplace.
The EED provides students with skills that will allow them to develop their careers, either by planning their own pathway to employment or by starting up their own businesses. The programme has a market-focused approach and offers a completely unique and extensive guide to taking responsibility for self-promotion, self-employment and self-branding.
The Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Diploma is delivered in partnership with the award-winning e-learning platform InterActive. The programme provides 15 hours of HD video training in business education with lectures taught by business leaders and LSBF's top tutors.
Director of the programme Sagi Hartov says: "We are proud to be introducing the EED into the market. It is a programme that will give students with entrepreneurial minds the skills they always wanted to have, but didn't have the chance to acquire in standard business courses".
"Here at LSBF we are always focused on providing our students with means that lead them to develop their careers. The EED will give them the chance to explore their full potential, whilst learning from renowned tutors that are in line with the current international market trends. "
The Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Diploma is available from 10th October and is hosted online, powered by InterActive. To learn more, please visit the programme's page.
Art Enterprise Diploma
The EED is part of a series of new diplomas on entrepreneurship and creativity delivered in partnership with InterActive. In August, the Art Enterprise Diploma (AED) was introduced as a pioneer programme aiming to provide artists and creative-industry professionals the business acumen and knowledge required to shape their career and make the most of their talents and skills.