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🗓️ Date: 30th July

🕐 Time: 1 PM (UK Time)



Microsoft skips forward to launch Windows 10

Microsoft has launched the newest version of Windows – and claims it is so advanced they skipped 9 and went straight to 10.

Even though Windows is probably the most commonly used operating system (OS) in the world, and certainly within businesses, Microsoft is keen to prove that it isn’t resting on its laurels.


Enter the latest version of Windows – Windows 10. After Windows 8 and its touch-screen friendly layout garnered a mixed reception from desktop and laptop users in particular, it has kept some of the key popular features and combined them with many of the elements of earlier versions that users are familiar with.

Add in a host of other features as well, and the result is an OS that Microsoft believes is such a huge leap forward that it didn’t even stick with its own numbering scheme. Speaking at the official launch Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft’s OS Group, said it “wouldn’t be right” to call the new product Windows 9. It’s skipping straight to Windows 10.


One of the most recognisable features of the older Windows versions is returning in the form of the Start Menu – but it now features a list of apps along with the live tiles that made Windows 8 so different.

That will not only position it so users of both Windows 7 and 8 are at least somewhat familiar with the features of 10, but will also allow it to combine features that are popular on desktops and mobile devices.

New task views to allow users to switch between multiple desktops, changes to Windows Explorer and Continuum – a facility on 2 in 1 devices that automatically changes modes when it notices a keyboard is no longer attached – are all among the innovations. It’s clear that it’s designed to be a universal OS that works on different platforms, which fits nicely with the way the business landscape is changing.


More and more workers are using mobile devices for their jobs and moving seamlessly between smartphones, tablets and their PCs.

Windows 10 is designed to play into that – at least from what has been on display so far, which Microsoft said was a preview aimed at enterprises.

Relatively few companies moved to Windows 8 and 7 remains the dominant OS in many firms. It takes time for business to prepare for the transition to a new OS, and it will be interesting to see if 10 catches on.



< Top image: Terry Myerson/Windows Blogs >

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