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🗓️ Date: 30th July

🕐 Time: 1 PM (UK Time)



Flexible working could help businesses attract best talent

Flexible working could help businesses attract best talent

Flexible working could help businesses attract the best, with over 60 per cent of employees saying they’d be more productive if they could work flexibly, according to research from social media training company Digital Mums.

The research found 68 per cent of employees would like to work flexibly, but just 12 per cent have asked their employer.


The research comes after the introduction of a 2014 law that provides everyone with the legal right to ask their employer for flexible work.

However, many employees claimed they wouldn’t feel comfortable asking for this. Over 50 per cent said this would be viewed negatively by their employer and over 40 per cent believed this would negatively impact their career.

Millennials were found to be the most in favour of flexible work at 77 per cent. However, 40 per cent said they’d also be worried asking their employer for this.

The research comes from Digital Mums – a group that aims to make flexible working the norm for all.


Commenting on the campaign, London Deputy Mayor for Business Rajesh Agrawal said that he hopes the campaign will result in more businesses recognising the benefits of flexible work.  He also hopes this will dispel the myths about working practices; this will make a difference to employees’ quality of life and enable companies to tap into the best pool of talent.


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