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🗓️ Date: 30th July

🕐 Time: 1 PM (UK Time)



Experienced accountants get return to work programme from PwC

Experienced accountants get return to work programme from PwC

A 12-week return to work programme has been launched by PwC to help people with an experienced accountancy background return to work.

The Big 4 firm's ‘Back to Business’ initiative will focus on women who have had an extended break, but it is open to anyone.


The new campaign offers a week-long induction to help ease the transition back to work.

The training and support regime involves assigning each returnee a dedicated manager, exploring the range of careers on offer at PwC, and matching careers to each participant’s own previous experience and skills. The firm’s deals business will be the first to operate the scheme.

Overlooked by recruiters

Head of people at PwC, Gaenor Bagley, said: "Our “Project 28-40” research into women and the workplace shows that many women on career breaks would like to return to work but are pessimistic about their prospects of progressing and often feel isolated."

"Many women who have had time out of the workplace to raise a family may feel that they are being overlooked by recruiters due to the gap in their CV," she explained. "We are looking to tackle those beliefs head on and help women feel confident as they resume their careers, with support at every step of the way."

Although a primary aim is to help women back into work, the programme is open to all staff who have been out of the workplace for over two years.

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