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🗓️ Date: 30th July

🕐 Time: 1 PM (UK Time)



Accountants amongst the most in-demand professionals in 2018

Accountants amongst the most in-demand professionals in 2018

Research from recruitment company Hays has revealed which workers are expected to be the most in demand in 2018.

The research surveyed 17,500 employers and workers and identified the sectors that are likely to need candidates that are suitably qualified and experienced in the New Year, with accountants, payroll team leaders and computer security staff being amongst the most in demand.


The research revealed the plans of employers and workers for 2018, with just over half of worker respondents planning to search for a new job and three out of four employers looking to recruit staff.

Workers believe that competition for jobs in the New Year will be at a high, but those who are planning to move jobs were found to be feeling positive about the year ahead.

Other roles that are expected to be in high demand next year include IT security architects, data and risk analysts, civil engineers and building surveyors.


Hays UK & Ireland Managing Director Nigel Heap commented: “Looking for a new job always features highly amongst new year resolutions, but to keep those resolutions alive candidates need to understand how much demand there is for their skills and how likely they will be to secure another role. This will ensure it doesn't just stay a pipe dream and can become a reality.”

He added that it is clear from looking at Hays’ top ten that professionals who work in the digital technology, finance and construction sectors can expect a positive outlook for next year in terms of salaries and job opportunities.

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